Sleeping Hot Dog Vendor

..October 2009  New York..

..Sleeping hot dog vendor outside the Museum of Art in New York.  Didn’t buy a hot dog from him.   Took notice of the army photo in back of the sleeping vendor.  Men with large machine guns.

On sunny October days, I walk to escape the dreary reality of war.  I think about all the people I spoke with in Japan who lost the majority of their family’s during WW II in the Tokyo fire bombings and atomic bombings.  I don’t like the glorification of war because it doesn’t explain the reality of war.



One Response to “Sleeping Hot Dog Vendor”

  1. Will says:

    I too can’t abide the gloryfication of war, the only people who benefit are a handful of politicians and defence contractors, their riches increase as millions suffer. Good enough reason in it’s own not to buy a dog from the guy.