The Scientist and The Seal

..August 2006 East River Park..

Pinkie Special…The scientist and the seal. Pinkie is a scientist during the day. At night, she turns in her white lab coat for more provocative attire performing as burlesque dancer at the Slipper Room.

This was me in B/W natural light. Not aggressive with the camera. Trying to be someone else. I was very laid back, to reliant and not assertive.

It’s a good pin-up shot. As close to a pin-up I can do still being an environmental portrait. Good composition. The strong look in Pinkie’s eye is most important to me. Very confident. The seal is odd with a smile on his face….

In a warped way you see my sense of humor.


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One Response to “The Scientist and The Seal”

  1. Will says:

    Great portrait of Pinkie, the seals are hot too.