How the King spends your taxes….

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6 Responses to “How the King spends your taxes….”

  1. Ginnie says:

    A story in pictures that says it all…but your text is the frosting on the cake, if anyone would want to eat it!

  2. ....peter:) says:

    Great job with the introduction Paule….i liked it as much as yout photos….peter:)

  3. Chantal says:

    not my style of subject to photograph… but nice work anyhow

  4. A.Barlow says:

    lmao man, it’s funny, I read the little story and sadly I thought to myself… “man, that sounds like some of the places I used to hang out!”

    In any case, nice grungy work, love it.

  5. Will says:

    Beautiful shot, great work with the gels.

  6. Otto K. says:

    very stylish portraits.

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