The beginings of From Above….

..March 2008 New York to Hiroshima and Nagasaki..

I find myself once again traveling to the Edge of the World. This time to speak with people who have experienced the worst of human actions. It’s remarkable how an event as disturbing as the detonation of the atomic bomb can be lauded as victory for some members of the human population.

A technology so advanced used to destroy and ravage a fellow human. Think about how we could have put the immense resources and advanced science to better human kind?

..I don’t know if it’s guilt or curiosity of what the Survivors of the atomic bomb, Hibakusha, have endured that has me traveling to the other side of the world to meet strangers. It’s both. With an explanation mark on GUILT!

What do you say to a fellow human who has lived through this horrible experience? Am I worthy to look into their eyes? I have a lot of respect for what the Survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki have endured.

Maybe listening to their story is the greatest sign of respect I can show each Survivor and victim of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Ignoring the fact this happened and people have suffered a lifetime of pain that I could not imagine would be the disrespect a majority of people have showed.



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