Archive for December, 2020

..8:50PM..The Bowery..

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2020

….8:50pm…..Toy shop gate, The Bowery…..

“Dear Santa…..”

The Bowery was a Skid Row area mixed with posh fashion boutiques and art museums. Then the COVID-19 pandemic brought New York City to its knees. Nine months later it feels like a forgotten Purgatory in the armpit of the city.

Embrace at FotoForum Dresden

Friday, December 18th, 2020

..December 2020.. ..Dresden..

A portion of Embrace is being exhibited at the FotoForum Dresden, Forum für Zeitgenössische Fotografie Dresden e.V..

Embrace explores the lives of transgender and gender non-binary kids, teens, adults and elderly from different parts of the world.

The exhibition is open until February 2021.

FotoForum Dresden, Kamenzer Str. 19, Dresden, Germany Tel. 0160 979 656 90

Embrace at FotoForum Dresden

Sunday, December 6th, 2020

A portion of Embrace is being exhibited at the FotoForum Dresden, Forum für Zeitgenössische Fotografie Dresden e.V..

Embrace explores the lives of transgender and gender non-binary kids, teens, adults and elderly from different parts of the world.

Thank you to all the staff for making this exhibition possible during these difficult times. I’m proud to have the opportunity to exhibit at FotoForum Dresden.

The exhibitions are open November 11th-December 18th.

FotoForum Dresden, Kamenzer Str. 19, Dresden, Germany Tel. 0160 979 656 90