…6:09pm…University Place…

…6:09pm…University Place…
“I’m thankful to have parents who are open minded, and listened to what I was feeling when I was young.”
-Floris, age 22, 2022
Floris is a young adult living in the Netherlands. He began transitioning to the gender he identified with when he was four-years-old.
This is the second portrait I photographed of Floris for my portrait project Embrace. The first portrait, photographed in 2016, was posted yesterday. Embrace is a long term project which explores the lives of transgender and gender non-binary youth, adults and elderly from different parts of the world. Embrace was exhibited at Gallery ef in Tokyo and FotoForum Dresden during 2020. I’m hoping to exhibit the project again in the near future.
“I live a normal life just like any other person, except mine has an extra chapter.”
-Floris, age 15, 2016
Floris is a young adult living in the Netherlands. He began transitioning to the gender he identified with when he was four-years-old.
This is the first portrait I photographed of Floris for my portrait project Embrace. The second portrait, photographed in 2022, will be posted tomorrow. Embrace is a long term project which explores the lives of transgender and gender non-binary youth, adults and elderly from different parts of the world. Embrace was exhibited at Gallery ef in Tokyo and FotoForum Dresden during 2020. I’m hoping to exhibit the project again in the near future.
..June 2020.. ..Hong Kong..
Embrace has been featured in Hong Kong based Hive Life Magazine.
Please have a look. https://hivelife.com/embrace-gender-identity-photography/
Embrace explores the lives of transgender and gender non-binary kids, teens, adults and elderly from different parts of the world.
It will be exhibited for the first time at Gallery ef in Tokyo from September 2nd-October 25th.
“It was difficult growing up being someone who knows they are a girl in a boy’s body.”
Sammy is a teenage transgender girl living in America. Her portrait is part of my long term project, Embrace, which explores the lives of transgender and gender non-binary kids, teens, adults and elderly from different parts of the world.
It will be exhibited for the first time at Gallery ef in Tokyo from September 2nd-October 25th.
..April 2020.. ..Tokyo..
The April issue of Kotonone Magazine (Japan) ran a feature about my exhibition “Embrace.” Embrace explores the lives of transgender and gender non-binary kids, teens, adult and elderly from different parts of the world.
A big thank you to the editor Matsunaga-san and the staff at Kotonone for their interest.
Embrace will be exhibited at Gallery ef 浅草 in Tokyo September 2nd-October 25th.
..April 2020.. ..Tokyo..
Tokyo Weekender Magazine did a feature about Embrace. Embrace is my project featuring portraits of transgender and gender non-binary people from different parts of the world.
The project will be exhibited at Gallery ef in Tokyo from September 2nd-October 25th.
This is the digital link to the magazine. https://www.tokyoweekender.com/weekender-archives/
If you click on the first cover (April 2020) then go to page 28 the article about Embrace begins.